Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Food Dilemma 101

I often find myself frustrated with the "flow of food" when I entertain. We have so many unique and diverse friends that instead of having intimate sit-down dinners of only 6 guests, we invite everyone and serve buffet-style. The problem with this set-up is, our dining room table is inside (naturally), BUT our guests usually spend most of their time outside in the backyard at the LTB (Lime Tree Bar).

In the Summer, I cannot possibly display all of the food outside. If you have ever been to the LowCountry in August, you know what I'm talking about. Scorching temperatures along with extreme humidity. I believe I have found the answer to this question that I debate with myself over and over. Instead of narrowing the food down to one location, how about two or more locations. When making a recipe, split it into two or more containers and cook separate dishes. This way you end up with multiple places to display your hard work!

I have a dip recipe that I plan to make and display at my next entertaining opportunity and I am going to split it into four Le Creuset Mini Cocottes. My mom (Santa) gave these to me in a beautiful orange color and they are perfect for my dip! They are oven and dishwasher-safe and extremely durable.

I can now rest easy in knowing that my inside guests and my outside guests are enjoying the same appetizer simultaneously.

Problem solved!


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