Thursday, February 11, 2010

Simplicity is a goal

The last few days I have been thinking a lot about materialistic things. Why do we need them? Why do we let society tell us what these 'oh so' needed items are?

Could I live without my iphone, sure?
Could I live without my television, of course?
Could I live without my family, no way in hell?
Do my friends make living away from family all worth it, of course?

I am by default, a deep thinker. My 'real' Dad, Chip was a funny, hilarious man who everyone always wanted to be around, but he was also the guy in the corner taking it all in, watching everyone, and observing life. I myself would observe him, observing others. Seems a little crazy, but true. I think this is where I get this from.

I have been observing other living creatures and how they take in life. My little Frau girl, is the most guilty of this in our house. I have always told Aaron that she has "mental" issues and needs a little therapy. Maybe, I'm the one who needs therapy? She is the only one who is able to sit, breathe, and allow peace into her life. She "meditates" (sleeps standing up) and as long as she is fed breakfast she is a happy camper. Can you imagine if this is all we needed?

This past weekend, Aaron and I rented Into the Wild. I was really wanting to see it, so we rented it and I swear it changed me. Then I read about this man on, who won $1,000,000 in the lottery and gave it all to charity because he said "he was raised poor" and being rich went against everything he had worked for his whole life.

I find both of these men, the lucky ones. I constantly have a battle in my head about wanting a bigger kitchen, a garage, Manolos, bigger diamond earrings. This is all ridiculous. The only thing I can't live without is Aaron and our life together. He is all I need. These two men know/knew what they wanted out of life. Sadly, as soon as one realized what he needed was human connections it was too late and he could no longer survive in the conditions he was in. And the lottery man, he is loving life as simple as can be and doesn't give a hoot who is mad that he gave it to charity. He yearned for his old life and could not handle the pressures of the money.

Oh, how I wish this was not a rarity. We would have one large planet full of love, peace, and happiness. I know this is a state of mind and not an actual state of being, but that's ok.

Take a moment and think about the last time you really just "took it all in" and there were no material distractions. If it has been too long, take a moment, close your eyes, and think of your most peaceful place. Remember the smell, taste, and sound of the air. Embrace it. Wrap it up and take it with you until the next time you find yourself caught up in the "grind" of needing and wanting more.

I want to hear about your happy place. Where is it and when was the last time you were there?

Here is Frau's "happy place" and she gets to go there at least twice a day. How lucky is she?



  1. KS this is so very true and you said it so beautifully!! You really just made me rethink things and made me step back and appreciate LIFE as it is! Thanks for inspiring me today you're the BEST!!! Love ya and have a happy V-day weekend in the snow!! ♥

  2. Kelly I love you. Pooling up here at work.
